Zhengguang Liu

List of John Benjamins publications for which Zhengguang Liu plays a role.


The BA construction, also known as the ‘disposal’ construction, is a morphosyntactic phenomenon unique to the Chinese language. Based on the findings of a collexeme analysis of corpus data and in line with subjectification proposed by Langacker, we provide evidence that the BA-pattern and the… read more
Man, Lu, Jeroen van de Weijer and Zhengguang Liu 2019 Nominalization and relativization in Tujia: A crosslinguistic perspectiveLinguistics of the Tibeto-Burman Area 42:1, pp. 82–109 | Article
This paper presents a preliminary investigation of nominalization and relativization in Tujia from a typological perspective. We show that there are several nominalizers in Tujia, only two of which are multifunctional: ɕi and ɲie. ɕi can function as a nominalizer, a relativizer, a… read more