Ira Torresi
List of John Benjamins publications for which Ira Torresi plays a role.
Subjects Interpreting | Translation Studies
Antonini, Rachele, Letizia Cirillo, Linda Rossato and Ira Torresi 2017
Chapter 1. Introducing NPIT studies Non-professional Interpreting and Translation: State of the art and future of an emerging field of research, Antonini, Rachele, Letizia Cirillo, Linda Rossato and Ira Torresi (eds.), pp. 1–26 | Chapter
A recurrent issue in child language brokering (CLB) research is how to best adjust ethnographic methodologies in order to collect data from young children. There are a number of practical considerations in addition to the necessary ethical aspects. Questionnaires and other methods relying on the… read more
The present paper investigates the frequent but little studied phenomenon of child language brokering (CLB), focusing specifically on reported experiences of child-brokered events by representatives of Italian healthcare institutions. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with healthcare… read more