Roy Andrew Miller

List of John Benjamins publications for which Roy Andrew Miller plays a role.


Subjects History of linguistics
Miller, Roy Andrew 1995 A Complete History of Korean?Diachronica 12:1, pp. 75–84 | Article
Miller, Roy Andrew 1991 How Many Verner’s Laws Does an Altaicist Need?Studies in the Historical Phonology of Asian Languages, Boltz, William G. and Michael C. Shapiro (eds.), pp. 176–204 | Article
Miller, Roy Andrew 1985 Externalizing Internal Rules: Lyman's Law in Japanese and AltaicDiachronica 2:2, pp. 137–165 | Article
SUMMARY Old Japanese, the language of 8th-century texts, frequently displays voicing dissimilation of certain consonants in successive syllables, a phenomenon sometimes (but incorrectly) deemed to have been sporadic, but now understood to have operated according to a rigid pattern of regular… read more
Miller, Roy Andrew 1985 Hymonymy, heteroclysis, and history in the Japanese verbLinguistics and Philosophy: Festschrift for Rulon S. Wells, Makkai, Adam and Alan K. Melby (eds.), pp. 393–418 | Article
Miller, Roy Andrew 1981 Altaic origins of the Japanese verb classesBono Homini Donum: Essays in Historical Linguistics, in Memory of J. Alexander Kerns. (2 volumes), Arbeitman, Yoël L. and Allan R. Bomhard (eds.), pp. 845–880 | Article