Robin Engström
List of John Benjamins publications for which Robin Engström plays a role.
The body politic of independent Scotland: National personification and metaphor as ideological visions Metaphor and the Social World 8:2, pp. 184–206 | Article
2018 The creation of national personifications is a political act that informs us about ideological and cognitive strategies underpinning nation-building. Many European nations are associated with national personifications, but Scotland stands out by not having a tradition of representing the nation… read more
The in-group and out-groups of the British National Party and the UK Independence Party: A corpus-based discourse-historical analysis Journal of Language and Politics 14:4, pp. 501–527 | Article
2015 This article investigates the self-presentation and the construction of immigration discourses in articles and policy documents published by the British National Party (BNP) and the UK Independence Party (UKIP). By combining corpus analysis with the Discourse-Historical Approach to Critical… read more