Manuel Peregrina Llanes

List of John Benjamins publications for which Manuel Peregrina Llanes plays a role.


Peregrina Llanes, Manuel, Albert Álvarez González and Zarina Estrada-Fernández 2017 Transitivity and valency-changing operations in Huasteca NahuatlVerb Valency Changes: Theoretical and typological perspectives, Álvarez González, Albert and Ia Navarro (eds.), pp. 81–105 | Chapter
This paper focuses on valency-changing operations in Huasteca Nahuatl. Regarding valency-increasing operations, it is shown that the suffix -lti/-ti/-tia is used for causativization of intransitive verbs, and that applicativization is marked by the suffix -lia/-li/-l. Regarding valency-decreasing… read more