Rama Novogrodsky
List of John Benjamins publications for which Rama Novogrodsky plays a role.
Word order in simple sentences of tri-lingual tri-modal deaf students Sign Language & Linguistics 26:1, pp. 37–63 | Article
2023 This study explores word order patterns produced by deaf students who use Israeli Sign Language (ISL) and Arabic. Nineteen students participated in a sentence elicitation task in which they retold events portrayed in 24 short videos in three language conditions: signed ISL, spoken Palestinian… read more
Pragmatic disorder of monolingual and bilingual children with autism Epistemological issue: Bilingual Language Development in Autism, Flores, Cristina and Neal Snape (eds.), pp. 71–75 | Commentary
2022 Specific Language Impairment (SLI) is not specific enough: Sub-types of SLI and their implications for the theory of the disorder Specific Language Impairment: Current trends in research, Stavrakaki, Stavroula (ed.), pp. 113–124 | Article
2015 There is an ongoing debate in the SLI field which test should be used as the
gold standard test and which markers are the best for the diagnosis of SLI. In
the current paper an approach of defining subtypes of SLI based on linguistic
domains is suggested. This approach is supported by findings of… read more
Resumptive pronouns as a last resort when movement is impaired: Relative clauses in hearing impairment Current Issues in Generative Hebrew Linguistics, Armon-Lotem, Sharon, Gabi Danon and Susan Rothstein (eds.), pp. 267–290 | Article
2008 This study tested 14 school-age orally-trained children with hearing impairment who have a deficit in A-bar movement, manifested in an impaired comprehension of object relatives and topicalization structures. When they produce a grammatical object relative clause, they typically produce it with a… read more