Robert Chamalaun
List of John Benjamins publications for which Robert Chamalaun plays a role.
The role of grammar in spelling homophonous regular verbs Written Language & Literacy 24:1, pp. 38–80 | Article
2021 Can a lack of grammatical knowledge alone be held accountable for the spelling errors that are made for homophonous verb forms and do these errors occur because spellers do not apply their grammatical knowledge? Three experiments with secondary school pupils were conducted on Dutch weak prefix… read more
The Dutch verb-spelling paradox in social media: A corpus study Linguistics in the Netherlands 2018, Le Bruyn, Bert and Janine Berns (eds.), pp. 111–124 | Article
2018 Although the Dutch verb spelling system seems very straightforward, many spelling errors are made, both by children and adults (e.g., Sandra, Frisson, & Daems 2004). These errors mainly occur with verbs with two or more homophonous forms in their inflectional paradigms. Ample experimental… read more