Imogen Marcus
List of John Benjamins publications for which Imogen Marcus plays a role.
Chapter 22. Penetration of French-origin lexis in Middle English occupational domains Historical Linguistics 2015: Selected papers from the 22nd International Conference on Historical Linguistics, Naples, 27-31 July 2015, Cennamo, Michela and Claudia Fabrizio (eds.), pp. 459–478 | Chapter
2019 This study reassesses whether the contact influence of French on Middle English should continue to be conceptualised essentially as high-status prestige borrowing. French-origin items were found to constitute an average of 27% of the specific lexis of six occupational domains collected in the… read more
“Right trusty and well-beloved”: The socio-pragmatics of gender, power and stance in sixteenth-century English letters Reference and Identity in Public Discourses, Lutzky, Ursula and Minna Nevala (eds.), pp. 67–96 | Chapter
2019 The paper investigates how high-ranking early modern women letter-writers negotiated the social tension between their subordinate position as women, and their positions of power, in the linguistic construction of their epistolary identities. We focus on the letters of four Tudor women: Kathryn… read more