Gabrina Pounds

List of John Benjamins publications for which Gabrina Pounds plays a role.

Expressions of evaluation in discourse have been studied from a number of different perspectives, all highlighting the fact that evaluation may be expressed cumulatively, through a combination of different linguistic means, and pragmatically, at various levels of implicitness, which often defy… read more
Both research and police guidelines acknowledge the value of rapport-building in police interview with suspects (ISs) and provide some insight into how ‘rapport’ may be defined and built in this context. Rapport is, however, difficult to operationalise and assess in practice, other than for the… read more
Both research and police guidelines acknowledge the value of rapport-building in police interview with suspects (ISs) and provide some insight into how ‘rapport’ may be defined and built in this context. Rapport is, however, difficult to operationalise and assess in practice, other than for the… read more
Pounds, Gabrina 2008 The expression of emotion in Italian and English fairy talesLanguages and Cultures in Contrast and Comparison, Gómez González, María de los Ángeles, J. Lachlan Mackenzie and Elsa M. González Álvarez (eds.), pp. 193–219 | Article
Previous studies by educationalists and psychologists have shown that fairy tales appear to encode emotive content in such a way that may facilitate aspects of children’s emotive development. This chapter deals with the representation of emotion in these tales and explores whether it varies across… read more
This article deals with those aspects of language that can be seen to carry out a primarily “interactional function” in that they are used to “establish and maintain social relationships” (Brown and Yule 1983: 2 and 3). Such aspects have been variously referred to as performing an “expressive”… read more