Jacques Moeschler

List of John Benjamins publications for which Jacques Moeschler plays a role.


Moeschler, Jacques 2022 Truth-conditional pragmaticsHandbook of Pragmatics: Manual, Verschueren, Jef and Jan-Ola Östman (eds.), pp. 1427–1452 | Chapter
Moeschler, Jacques 2021 Why truth matters: When relevance meets truthfulnessNew Developments in Relevance Theory, Padilla Cruz, Manuel and Agnieszka Piskorska (eds.), pp. 416–440 | Article
This article is about truth and relevance. It first discusses the concept of truth in formal semantics and pragmatics, mainly the Gricean, neo-Gricean and post-Gricean approaches to meaning. What is particularly crucial is the relationship between pragmatic meaning and truth, since, from a… read more
Moeschler, Jacques 2018 Truth-conditional pragmaticsHandbook of Pragmatics: 21st Annual Installment, Östman, Jan-Ola and Jef Verschueren (eds.), pp. 49–79 | Chapter
Grisot, Cristina, Bruno Cartoni and Jacques Moeschler 2016 Conceptual and procedural information for verb tense disambiguation: The English Simple PastRelevance Theory: Recent developments, current challenges and future directions, Padilla Cruz, Manuel (ed.), pp. 103–144 | Article
This chapter discusses the necessary linguistic and pragmatic support for improving statistical machine translation systems with respect to verbal tenses. The English Simple Past can be translated into French through a series of tenses because of its conceptual, procedural and pragmatic meanings.… read more
Moeschler, Jacques 2002 Chapter 12. Speech act theory and the analysis of conversationEssays in Speech Act Theory, Vanderveken, Daniel and Susumu Kubo (eds.), pp. 239–261 | Chapter
Moeschler, Jacques 1997 La négation comme expression procéduraleNegation and Polarity: Syntax and semantics. Selected papers from the colloquium Negation: Syntax and Semantics. Ottawa, 11–13 May 1995, Forget, Danielle, Paul Hirschbühler, France Martineau and María Luisa Rivero (eds.), pp. 231–250 | Article