Etsuyo Yuasa

List of John Benjamins publications for which Etsuyo Yuasa plays a role.


Pragmatics and Autolexical Grammar: In honor of Jerry Sadock

Edited by Etsuyo Yuasa, Tista Bagchi and Katharine Beals

[Linguistik Aktuell/Linguistics Today, 176] 2011. xxv, 339 pp.
Subjects Pragmatics | Syntax | Theoretical linguistics


Yuasa, Etsuyo 2021 Constructionalization of Japanese koto imperativesModality and Diachronic Construction Grammar, Hilpert, Martin, Bert Cappelle and Ilse Depraetere (eds.), pp. 219–246 | Chapter
This paper examines koto imperatives (e.g., tōku-o mite unten-suru koto! ‘drive looking far ahead!’) in Japanese. With internal reconstruction, it is shown that koto imperatives not only underwent a process of pragmatic strengthening resulting in a new sense of modality, but also inherited the… read more
Yuasa, Etsuyo, Tista Bagchi and Katharine Beals 2011 IntroductionPragmatics and Autolexical Grammar: In honor of Jerry Sadock, Yuasa, Etsuyo, Tista Bagchi and Katharine Beals (eds.), pp. xiii–xxvi | Miscellaneous