Zhu Ling

List of John Benjamins publications for which Zhu Ling plays a role.


Ling, Zhu and Anya Hurlbert 2011 Age-dependence of colour preference in the U.K. populationNew Directions in Colour Studies, Biggam, Carole P., Carole Hough, Christian Kay and David R. Simmons (eds.), pp. 347–360 | Article
In our previous study of hue preference for young Chinese and British adults in Newcastle upon Tyne, we found that individual hue preference patterns may be described by the weighted sum of the two universal cone-contrast channels (S-(L+M) and L–M contrast) (Hurlbert & Ling 2007). Therefore, each… read more
Ling, Zhu, Anya Hurlbert and Lucy Robinson 2006 Sex differences in colour preferenceProgress in Colour Studies: Volume II. Psychological aspects, Pitchford, Nicola and Carole P. Biggam (eds.), pp. 173–188 | Article