Anke Lenzing

List of John Benjamins publications for which Anke Lenzing plays a role.

Book series


Subjects Language acquisition | Psycholinguistics | Theoretical linguistics

Developing, Modelling and Assessing Second Languages

Edited by Jörg-U. Keßler, Anke Lenzing and Mathias Liebner

Subjects Cognition and language | Language acquisition | Psycholinguistics | Theoretical linguistics
Subjects Language acquisition | Multilingualism | Psycholinguistics | Syntax | Theoretical linguistics
Pienemann, Manfred, Frank Lanze, Howard Nicholas and Anke Lenzing 2022 Chapter 3. Stabilization: A dynamic accountSecond Language Acquisition Theory: The legacy of Professor Michael H. Long, Benati, Alessandro G. and John W. Schwieter (eds.), pp. 29–76 | Chapter
We accord with Mike Long’s rejection of fossilization as a concept able to describe or explain second language acquisition. And we share his bewilderment (Long, 2003, p. 512f.) that since most studies of fossilization make reference to explanatory factors external to language and cognition,… read more
Lenzing, Anke 2019 Chapter 2. Towards an integrated model of grammatical encoding and decoding in SLAWidening Contexts for Processability Theory: Theories and issues, Lenzing, Anke, Howard Nicholas and Jana Roos (eds.), pp. 13–48 | Chapter
In this chapter, I consider the interface between production and comprehension in second language acquisition (SLA). I argue that the two processes rely on (partially) shared resources and propose an integrated encoding-decoding model of SLA. The core of the model is a single syntactic processor… read more
Lenzing, Anke, Howard Nicholas and Jana Roos 2019 Chapter 1. Contextualising issues in Processability TheoryWidening Contexts for Processability Theory: Theories and issues, Lenzing, Anke, Howard Nicholas and Jana Roos (eds.), pp. 1–8 | Chapter
Nicholas, Howard, Anke Lenzing and Jana Roos 2019 Chapter 17. How does PT’s view of acquisition relate to the challenge of widening perspectives on SLA?Widening Contexts for Processability Theory: Theories and issues, Lenzing, Anke, Howard Nicholas and Jana Roos (eds.), pp. 391–398 | Chapter
Lenzing, Anke 2016 The development of argument structure in the initial L2 mental grammatical systemDeveloping, Modelling and Assessing Second Languages, Keßler, Jörg-U., Anke Lenzing and Mathias Liebner (eds.), pp. 3–34 | Article
This chapter investigates the development of argument structure in early L2 acquisition. I view argument structure and its development within the context of the Multiple Constraints Hypothesis (Lenzing 2013) and its core claim that the L2 initial mental grammatical system is constrained at the… read more
Lenzing, Anke 2016 Modelling and assessing second language acquisition: 30 years onwardsDeveloping, Modelling and Assessing Second Languages, Keßler, Jörg-U., Anke Lenzing and Mathias Liebner (eds.), pp. ix–xiv | Article
Pienemann, Manfred, Anke Lenzing and Jörg-U. Keßler 2016 Testing the Developmentally Moderated Transfer Hypothesis: The initial state and the role of the L2 in L3 acquisition*Developing, Modelling and Assessing Second Languages, Keßler, Jörg-U., Anke Lenzing and Mathias Liebner (eds.), pp. 79–98 | Article
This paper focuses on one specific aspect of the Developmentally Moderated Transfer Hypothesis (Pienemann et al. 2005), namely the role of the L2 in L3 acquisition. The research presented in this paper was prompted by the L2 transfer hypothesis put forward by Bohnacker (2006) and Bardel and Falk… read more
Lenzing, Anke 2015 Chapter 6. Constraints on Processing: L1 Transfer and the L2 Initial Mental Grammatical SystemTheoretical and Methodological Developments in Processability Theory, Baten, Kristof, Aafke Buyl, Katja Lochtman and Mieke Van Herreweghe (eds.), pp. 115–138 | Article
This chapter focuses on the nature of the L2 initial mental grammatical system and the related question to what extent L2 learners transfer syntactic structures from their L1 at the L2 initial state. Transfer is viewed within the overall context of a model of the L2 initial mental grammatical… read more
Lenzing, Anke and Manfred Pienemann 2015 Chapter 5. Response Paper: Exploring the Interface between Morpho-Syntax and Discourse/Pragmatics/SemanticsTheoretical and Methodological Developments in Processability Theory, Baten, Kristof, Aafke Buyl, Katja Lochtman and Mieke Van Herreweghe (eds.), pp. 105–112 | Article