Chen-En Ho
List of John Benjamins publications for which Chen-En Ho plays a role.
Wearable eye trackers: Methodological challenges, opportunities and perspectives for sight interpreting/translation Cognitive Translation and Interpreting Studies in the Early Twenty First Century, García, Adolfo M., Edinson Muñoz and Néstor Singer (eds.), pp. 164–186 | Article
2023 Sight interpreting/translation (SiT) refers to the mode of communication in which source language information is received via reading and target language output is produced either in oral form or sign language. The cognitive aspect of SiT has been examined empirically with participant-,… read more
What does professional experience have to offer? An eyetracking study of sight interpreting/translation behaviour Translation, Cognition & Behavior 4:1, pp. 47–73 | Article
2021 This study investigated the impact of professional experience on the process and product of sight interpreting/translation (SiT). Seventeen experienced interpreters, with at least 150 days’ professional experience, and 18 interpreting students were recruited to conduct three tasks: silent… read more
How does training shape English-Chinese sight translation behaviour? An eyetracking study Translation, Cognition & Behavior 3:1, pp. 1–24 | Article
2020 This study investigated cognitive aspects of sight translation by analysing the reading behaviour in the process and the output. In our empirical study, two groups of participants—interpreting trainees and untrained bilinguals—carried out three tasks: (a) silent reading, (b) reading aloud, and… read more