Aleksandr E. Kibrik

List of John Benjamins publications for which Aleksandr E. Kibrik plays a role.

Kibrik, Aleksandr E. 2013 Lessons of variability in clause coordination: Evidence from North Caucasian languagesLanguage Typology and Historical Contingency: In honor of Johanna Nichols, Bickel, Balthasar, Lenore A. Grenoble, David A. Peterson and Alan Timberlake (eds.), pp. 125–152 | Article
This paper analyzes syntactic constructions of semantically coordinated clauses in 23 Daghestanian languages. The abundance of surface coding techniques calls for a principled explanation of basic grammatical and cognitive mechanisms underlying this variability and restricting it to attested… read more
Kibrik, Aleksandr E. 2007 Collective field work: Advantages or disadvantages?Perspectives on Grammar Writing, Payne, Thomas E. and David J. Weber (eds.), pp. 25–44 | Article
For forty years, linguistic fieldwork on the minority languages of Soviet and post-Soviet States has been conducted by members of the Philological Faculty of Moscow State University. The present paper describes the “Moscow approach” to team-based fieldwork, including the history, problems,… read more
Kibrik, Aleksandr E. 2006 Collective field work: Advantages or disadvantages?Perspectives on Grammar Writing, Payne, Thomas E. and David J. Weber (eds.), pp. 259–279 | Article
For forty years, linguistic fieldwork on the minority languages of Soviet and post-Soviet States has been conducted by members of the Philological Faculty of Moscow State University. The present paper describes the “Moscow approach” to team-based fieldwork, including the history, problems,… read more
Kibrik, Aleksandr E. 1988 The Resultative in ArchiTypology of Resultative Constructions: Translated from the original Russian edition (1983), Nedjalkov, Vladimir P. (ed.), pp. 167–184 | Article