Ulf Liszkowski

List of John Benjamins publications for which Ulf Liszkowski plays a role.

Esteve-Gibert, Núria, Ulf Liszkowski and Pilar Prieto 2016 Prosodic and gestural features distinguish the intention of pointing gestures in child-directed communicationIntonational Grammar in Ibero-Romance: Approaches across linguistic subfields, Armstrong, Meghan E., Nicholas Henriksen and Maria del Mar Vanrell (eds.), pp. 251–276 | Article
Previous literature had found that infants rely on the social-contextual information to understand the pragmatic meaning of a pointing gesture. Our study investigates the prosodic and gesture features accompanying a pointing gesture that infants may also use to infer its meaning. Nine… read more
Puccini, Daniel, Mireille Hassemer, Dorothé Salomo and Ulf Liszkowski 2012 The type of shared activity shapes caregiver and infant communicationGesture and Multimodal Development, Colletta, Jean-Marc and Michèle Guidetti (eds.), pp. 157–174 | Article
For the beginning language learner, communicative input is not based on linguistic codes alone. This study investigated two extralinguistic factors which are important for infants’ language development: the type of ongoing shared activity and non-verbal, deictic gestures. The natural interactions… read more
Liszkowski, Ulf 2010 Before L1: A differentiated perspective on infant gesturesGestures in Language Development, Gullberg, Marianne and Kees de Bot (eds.), pp. 35–51 | Article
Puccini, Daniel, Mireille Hassemer, Dorothé Salomo and Ulf Liszkowski 2010 The type of shared activity shapes caregiver and infant communicationGesture and Multimodal Development, Colletta, Jean-Marc and Michèle Guidetti (eds.), pp. 279–296 | Article
For the beginning language learner, communicative input is not based on linguistic codes alone. This study investigated two extralinguistic factors which are important for infants’ language development: the type of ongoing shared activity and non-verbal, deictic gestures. The natural interactions… read more
Liszkowski, Ulf 2008 Before L1: A differentiated perspective on infant gesturesGestures in language development, Gullberg, Marianne and Kees de Bot (eds.), pp. 180–196 | Article
This paper investigates the social-cognitive and motivational complexities underlying prelinguistic infants’ gestural communication. With regard to deictic referential gestures, new and recent experimental evidence shows that infant pointing is a complex communicative act based on social-cognitive… read more
This paper investigates infant pointing at 12 months. Three recent experimental studies from our lab are reported and contrasted with existing accounts on infant communicative and social-cognitive abilities. The new results show that infant pointing at 12 months already is a communicative act which… read more
This paper investigates infant pointing at 12 months. Three recent experimental studies from our lab are reported and contrasted with existing accounts on infant communicative and social-cognitive abilities. The new results show that infant pointing at 12 months already is a communicative act… read more