Verna Robertson Rieschild
List of John Benjamins publications for which Verna Robertson Rieschild plays a role.
Using affect to effect in Lebanese-Arabic and Australian-English pre-school interactions Australian Review of Applied Linguistics 22:1, pp. 97–120 | Article
1999 The cross-linguistic research reported in this paper was designed to investigate language-specific and universal aspects of emotion display in teacher interactions with pre-school children. It assumes that communicative strategies are underpinned by beliefs about the appropriate and strategic use… read more
‘Yes Kylie, Echidna’s are almost wombats!’: Adult responses to young children’s answers in two languages: Lebanese-Arabic and English Australian Review of Applied Linguistics 17:1, pp. 104–124 | Article
1994 This paper examines some aspects of English and Lebanese-Arabic adult-responses to child-answers, exploring the way the use of preferred communication strategies reflects culturally-based assumptions about learning and guiding learning. Adults who regularly deal with young children develop… read more