Philip Carr

List of John Benjamins publications for which Philip Carr plays a role.


Subjects Phonology | Theoretical linguistics
Carr, Philip 2018 On grounding, internalism, modularity and grammaticalization in phonologySubstance-based Grammar – The (Ongoing) Work of John Anderson, Böhm, Roger and Harry van der Hulst (eds.), pp. 365–383 | Chapter
The chapter begins with Chomsky’s conception of linguistic knowledge as ‘knowledge without grounds’, and then discusses two different approaches to the grounding of linguistic knowledge: that of Noel Burton-Roberts and that of John Anderson. I adopt Tomasello’s view that the child is not… read more
Carr, Philip 2005 Salience, Headhood and AnalogiesHeadhood, Elements, Specification and Contrastivity: Phonological papers in honour of John Anderson, Carr, Philip, Jacques Durand and Colin J. Ewen (eds.), pp. 15–29 | Article
Carr, Philip, Jacques Durand and Colin J. Ewen 2005 Introduction: The structure of phonological representationsHeadhood, Elements, Specification and Contrastivity: Phonological papers in honour of John Anderson, Carr, Philip, Jacques Durand and Colin J. Ewen (eds.), pp. 1–13 | Miscellaneous
Carr, Philip 1997 3 Telementation and Generative LinguisticsLinguistics Inside Out: Roy Harris and his critics, Wolf, George and Nigel Love (eds.), pp. 65–83 | Article
Carr, Philip 1992 An interactionist positionProspects for a New Structuralism, Lieb, Hans-Heinrich (ed.), pp. 17–32 | Article