Pierre-Yves Modicom

List of John Benjamins publications for which Pierre-Yves Modicom plays a role.


Information-Structural Perspectives on Discourse Particles

Edited by Pierre-Yves Modicom and Olivier Duplâtre

[Studies in Language Companion Series, 213] 2020. vi, 304 pp.
Subjects Discourse studies | Pragmatics | Semantics | Syntax | Theoretical linguistics
Liégeois, Vince, Pierre-Yves Modicom and Lisa Bonne 2023 Chapter 6. Construction grammar in domain-specific discourse: A contrastive analysis of existential constructions in Swedish, Norwegian and Dutch weather reportsConstructional Approaches to Nordic Languages, Coussé, Evie, Steffen Höder, Benjamin Lyngfelt and Julia Prentice (eds.), pp. 145–178 | Chapter
Within various frameworks interested in domain-specific language, like language for specific purposes (LSP) research and discourse linguistics, the insights provided by CxG-theory have led to the question of whether constructions can have domain-specific manifestations. Even though many… read more
Modicom, Pierre-Yves 2022 Chapter 10. Modal particles in questions and wh -sensitivity: A view from French and GermanParticles in German, English, and Beyond, Gergel, Remus, Ingo Reich and Augustin Speyer (eds.), pp. 269–296 | Chapter
This study concentrates on the use of modal particles (MPs) in non-standard questions (such as rhetorical questions or surprise-disapproval questions), both in German and in French. For French, the items considered here as MPs are bien, diable and donc. Their behavior in non-standard questions… read more
Modicom, Pierre-Yves and Olivier Duplâtre 2020 Introduction: What can information-structural categories tell us about discourse particles?Information-Structural Perspectives on Discourse Particles, Modicom, Pierre-Yves and Olivier Duplâtre (eds.), pp. 1–24 | Chapter
Modicom, Pierre-Yves 2017 L’allemand denn entre coordonnant, connecteur et conjonctionMots de liaison et d'intégration: Prépositions, conjonctions et connecteurs, Ponchon, Thierry, Hava Bat-Zeev Shyldkrot et Annie Bertin (dir.), pp. 147–174 | Chapter
L’article porte sur l’item polyfonctionnel allemand denn, dans une perspective à la fois synchronique et diachronique. À l’origine, et encore en moyen-haut-allemand, denn est une variante régionale de dann (‘puis’, ‘après cela’). Le but ici est de proposer une description synchronique unifiée dans… read more