Shelley Staples

List of John Benjamins publications for which Shelley Staples plays a role.



Subjects Corpus linguistics | Discourse studies | Pragmatics
Ansarifar, Ahmad, Hesamoddin Shahriari, Shelley Staples and Mohammad Ghazanfari 2025 Linguistic variation in two written academic sub-registers: A multi-dimensional analysisRevista Española de Lingüística Aplicada/Spanish Journal of Applied Linguistics 38:1, pp. 162–191 | Article
The present study aims to compare abstracts written by graduate students and internationally-published authors using Biber’s (1988) Multi-Dimensional (MD) model. To this end, two corpora of abstracts (1800 texts each) from research articles (RA) published in top international Applied Linguistics… read more
Biber, Douglas, Tove Larsson, Gregory R. Hancock, Randi Reppen, Shelley Staples and Bethany Gray 2025 Comparing theory-based models of grammatical complexity in student writingCumulative Knowledge Building in Learner Corpus Research, Larsson, Tove and Douglas Biber (eds.), pp. 145–177 | Article
The present study tests the empirical adequacy of competing models of grammatical complexity in university student writing, based on analysis of disciplinary texts from L1-English and L2-English students. The results show that grammatical complexity in student writing must be treated as a… read more
Staples, Shelley, Nina Conrad, Anh Dang and Hui Wang 2024 Building language and genre awareness through learner corpus data in a second language writing courseLearner Corpus Research for Pedagogical Purposes, Götz, Sandra and Sylviane Granger (eds.), pp. 146–182 | Article
This study is part of a larger project investigating the impact of corpus-based teaching in a series of second language (L2) genre-based writing courses. In this paper, we focus on activities that were implemented in one L2 writing course between first and final drafts of two major assignments… read more
Sommer-Farias, Bruna, Aleksey Novikov, Adriana Picoral, Mariana Centanin-Bertho and Shelley Staples 2022 A multilingual learner corpus for less commonly taught languagesInternational Journal of Learner Corpus Research 8:2, pp. 261–282 | Article
This article provides a detailed account of the framework, pedagogical and research applications of the Multilingual Academic Corpus of Assignments – Writing and Speech (MACAWS). MACAWS is a monitor learner corpus of written and oral assignments produced by foreign language learners in the… read more
Investigation of the characteristics of spoken learner language has increased in recent years but has been primarily limited to the investigation of one linguistic level (e.g., lexico-grammar), which gives a limited picture of learners’ overall linguistic competence (e.g., Skarnitzl & Rumlová,… read more
Picoral, Adriana, Shelley Staples and Randi Reppen 2021 Automated annotation of learner English: An evaluation of software toolsNatural language processing for learner corpus research, Kyle, Kristopher (ed.), pp. 17–52 | Article
This paper explores the use of natural language processing (NLP) tools and their utility for learner language analyses through a comparison of automatic linguistic annotation against a gold standard produced by humans. While there are a number of automated annotation tools for English currently… read more
The present paper employs a corpus-based approach to track the longitudinal language development of university students. Compared to many other longitudinal studies, the present study tracks development over a relatively long period of time (two years) for a relatively large group of students… read more
Staples, Shelley, Maria K. Venetis, Jeffrey D. Robinson and Rachel Dultz 2020 Understanding the multi-dimensional nature of informational language in health care interactionsRegister Studies 2:2, pp. 241–274 | Article
Much of the corpus-based research on medical discourse has focused on “involved” language (e.g., 1st person pronouns, discourse markers) and its importance in creating patient rapport (Adolphs, Brown, Carter, Crawford, & Sahota, 2004; Skelton & Hobbes, 1999; Staples, 2016). However, in the… read more
This paper describes the construction process involved in creating a robust local learner corpus of texts produced by international students in a first-year writing course at a large public, mid-western university in the U.S. We show how involving faculty members and graduate students of our… read more
Biber, Douglas and Shelley Staples 2014 Exploring the prosody of stance: Variation in the realization of stance adverbialsSpoken Corpora and Linguistic Studies, Raso, Tommaso and Heliana Mello (eds.), pp. 271–294 | Article
Over the last three decades, several studies have applied corpus-analytical techniques to investigate the ways in which ‘stance’ is expressed in spoken and written discourse. Corpus research has shown that there are strong differences among registers in their reliance on the different types of… read more