Suhua Hu
List of John Benjamins publications for which Suhua Hu plays a role.
The split word orders APV and PAV of Nuosu Yi: Comparing to the split ergativity of the Tibeto-Burman languages Asian Languages and Linguistics 2:1, pp. 36–79 | Article
2021 Nuosu Yi is a Tibeto-Burman (henceforth TB) language lacking sufficient core case markers. Depending on the telicity and aspectuality of the predicates, its basic word order splits into APV and rigid PAV. To be specific, the atelic and/or imperfective predicates are APV, while the telic… read more
彝語諾蘇話雙及物及其他三個論元結構 [Ditransitive constructions and the other three-argument constructions in Nuosu Yi] Language and Linguistics 20:3, pp. 361–386 | Article
2019 跨語言研究中的雙及物結構是一個句法-語義概念,由雙及物動詞及其三個論元——施事(A)、與事(R)和客體(T)組成,句法上可以有多種編碼方式,語義基礎為物品轉移義,其原型動詞是「給」。彝語諾蘇話「給」和其他的三個論元結構有一致性,可以將其公式化為:「N1:A-N2:T-ka³³-N3:R/L-V」或「N2:T-N1:A-ka³³-N3:R/L-V」,其語義基礎為處置義,ka³³是表示處置的輔動詞,支配客體T(heme)即N2;N3或為接受者R(ecipient),或為處所L(ocation);N1為施事者A(gent)。彝語諾蘇話沒有真正句法意義上的「雙及物」結構, read more
Vitality and endangerment of the Lalo language: A case study in Xiaowan area and a comparison of the domains of language use between Nuosu Yi areas and Lalo Yi areas Linguistics of the Tibeto-Burman Area 38:2, pp. 225–244 | Article
2015 This paper aims to discuss the vitality and endangerment of Lalo, a Lolo-Burmese language spoken in Yunnan province in southwest China. Analysis of the data collected during the survey of the use of the Lalo language in Xiaowan area shows that this minority language is definitely endangered. The… read more