Barbara Moser-Mercer

List of John Benjamins publications for which Barbara Moser-Mercer plays a role.



Bridging the Gap: Empirical research in simultaneous interpretation

Edited by Sylvie Lambert and Barbara Moser-Mercer

[Benjamins Translation Library, 3] 1994. 362 pp.
Subjects Interpreting
Liu, Minhua, Ingrid Kurz, Barbara Moser-Mercer and Miriam Shlesinger † 2020 The interpreter’s aging: A unique story of multilingual cognitive decline?Translation, Cognition & Behavior 3:2, pp. 287–309 | Article
This article reports part of the first phase of the AIIC Lifespan Study, for which ten conference interpreters over 70 years old were interviewed to learn how interpreters’ professional language experiences interact with their cognitive functions and, specifically, if they demonstrate different… read more
Moser-Mercer, Barbara 2011 Identifying and interpreting scientific phenomena: Simultaneous challenges to interpreting researchAdvances in Interpreting Research: Inquiry in action, Nicodemus, Brenda and Laurie Swabey (eds.), pp. 47–58 | Article
Shneider (2009) identifies four different stages in the development of a scientific discipline, and we can safely state that interpreting as a science has advanced from stage one to stage two, where scientists develop a toolbox of methods and techniques for the new discipline, and is currently… read more
Moser-Mercer, Barbara 2011 Remote interpretingHandbook of Translation Studies: Volume 2, Gambier, Yves and Luc van Doorslaer (eds.), pp. 131–134 | Article
Moser-Mercer, Barbara 2010 The search for neuro-physiological correlates of expertise in interpretingTranslation and Cognition, Shreve, Gregory M. and Erik Angelone (eds.), pp. 263–287 | Article
This paper integrates the results of empirical research on interpreting processes with research on the neurophysiology of learning and expertise. The objective is to develop a better understanding of the potential neuro-physiological changes the human brain undergoes in adulthood in order to… read more
Moser-Mercer, Barbara 2008 Construct-ing qualityEfforts and Models in Interpreting and Translation Research: A tribute to Daniel Gile, Hansen, Gyde, Andrew Chesterman and Heidrun Gerzymisch-Arbogast (eds.), pp. 143–156 | Article
There is a large body of research devoted to exploring quality in interpreting and various authors have identified survey methodology as one of the most frequently applied to this line of research. However, this line of research lacks fundamental and principled guidance regarding survey… read more
Moser-Mercer, Barbara 2005 The Teaching of Simultaneous Interpreting: The first 60 years (1929-1989)FORUM 3:1, pp. 205–225 | Article
Abstract/Résumé Des aspects plutôt techniques caractérisent les débuts de l’interprétation simultanée et très peu d’intérêt est porté à la meilleure façon de l’enseigner et de l’apprendre. Cet article trace l’évolution des méthodes d’enseignement de l’interprétation simultanée dès les débuts dans… read more
Moser-Mercer, Barbara 2000 Simultaneous interpreting: Cognitive potential and limitationsInterpreting 5:2, pp. 83–94 | Article
Over the past five years our research has focused on cognitive issues in simultaneous interpreting: the role of working memory, robustness of cognitive processes, simultaneity of language processes, and the emerging role of long-term working memory (LT-WM) in the development of expertise in… read more
Moser-Mercer, Barbara, Ulrich Hans Frauenfelder, Beatriz Casado and Alexander Künzli 2000 Searching to Define Expertise in InterpretingLanguage Processing and Simultaneous Interpreting: Interdisciplinary perspectives, Englund Dimitrova, Birgitta and Kenneth Hyltenstam (eds.), pp. 107 ff. | Article
Moser-Mercer, Barbara, Alexander Künzli and Marina Korac 1998 Prolonged turns in interpreting: Effects on quality, physiological and psychological stress (Pilot study)Interpreting 3:1, pp. 47–64 | Article
This paper seeks to investigate the effect of increased time on task in simultaneous interpreting on the quality of interpretation and on physiological and psychological stress. Interpreters working for longer than approx. 30 minutes, the recommended turn time in simultaneous interpreting under… read more
Moser-Mercer, Barbara 1997 Skill components in simultaneous interpretingConference Interpreting: Current trends in research, Gambier, Yves, Daniel Gile and Christopher Taylor (eds.), pp. 133 ff. | Article
Massaro, Dominic W. and Barbara Moser-Mercer 1996 EditorialInterpreting 1:1, pp. 1–6 | Miscellaneous
Moser-Mercer, Barbara 1994 Paradigms gained or the art of productive disagreementBridging the Gap: Empirical research in simultaneous interpretation, Lambert, Sylvie and Barbara Moser-Mercer (eds.), pp. 17 ff. | Article
Moser-Mercer, Barbara 1994 Aptitude testing for conference interpreting: Why, when and howBridging the Gap: Empirical research in simultaneous interpretation, Lambert, Sylvie and Barbara Moser-Mercer (eds.), pp. 57 ff. | Article