Raymond Mougeon

List of John Benjamins publications for which Raymond Mougeon plays a role.


This study examines acquisition of distinctive 3pl markings of French verbs by bilingual Franco­phone students attending French-medium high schools in four Ontario Franco­phone communities of varying demographic strength and by learners enrolled in high school immersion or university FSL… read more
Rehner, Katherine, Raymond Mougeon and Françoise Mougeon 2022 Chapter 9. Variation in choice of prepositions with place names on the French L1–L2 continuum in Ontario, CanadaVariation in Second and Heritage Languages: Crosslinguistic perspectives, Bayley, Robert, Dennis R. Preston and Xiaoshi Li (eds.), pp. 223–252 | Chapter
This study examines the use of prepositions à (‘in/to’), au (‘in the/to the’), and en (‘in/to’) with place names across the French first-language – second-language continuum in Ontario, Canada. The study draws on speech corpora collected among seven groups of students who use French and English… read more
Mougeon, Raymond and Édouard Beniak 1996 Social class and language variation in Bilingual speech communitiesTowards a Social Science of Language: Papers in honor of William Labov, Guy, Gregory R., Crawford Feagin, Deborah Schiffrin and John Baugh (eds.), pp. 69 ff. | Article
Mougeon, Raymond, Édouard Beniak and Daniel Valois 1986 Is child language a possible source of linguistic variation ?Diversity and Diachrony, Sankoff, David, pp. 347–358 | Article
Canale, Michael, Raymond Mougeon and Édouard Beniak 1980 infinitival complements to verbs of motion in ontarian and quebec frenchPapers from the Fourth International Conference on Historical Linguistics, Stanford, March 26–30 1979, Traugott, Elizabeth Closs, Rebecca Labrum and Susan C. Shepherd (eds.), pp. 193–198 | Article