Virginie D. Mamadouh

List of John Benjamins publications for which Virginie D. Mamadouh plays a role.


Mamadouh, Virginie D. and Nesrin El Ayadi 2022 Chapter 8. Urban multilingualism: Place-making, mobility and sense of belonging in European citiesAdvances in Interdisciplinary Language Policy, Grin, François, László Marácz and Nike K. Pokorn (eds.), pp. 151–170 | Chapter
This chapter deals with urban multilingualism from a geographical perspective considering the trade-off between mobility, inclusion, and place-making. Place-making in multilingual cities is influenced by the linguistic diversity among their inhabitants, and the sense of place and sense of… read more
This chapter explores the political geography of activism against austerity policies in the Eurozone (the Member States of the European Union using the euro as their common currency) through a study of language use in demonstrations. Arguably, the protestors’ performance produces transient… read more