Carlos Rubio-Alcalá

List of John Benjamins publications for which Carlos Rubio-Alcalá plays a role.


Batllori, Montserrat, M. Lluïsa Hernanz and Carlos Rubio-Alcalá 2021 Chapter 8. Gerund structures in Ecuadorian SpanishSyntactic Geolectal Variation: Traditional approaches, current challenges and new tools, Cerrudo, Alba, Ángel J. Gallego and Francesc Roca Urgell (eds.), pp. 225–262 | Chapter
In this chapter we study non-prototypical values of gerunds in Ecuadorian and Andean Spanish. Apart from the standard aspectual simultaneity reading, gerunds in Andean Spanish encode an anteriority reading that has been associated to contact with Quechua. The chapter focuses on this value and… read more