Fernando Batista

List of John Benjamins publications for which Fernando Batista plays a role.


Carvalho, Paula, Danielle Caled, Cláudia Silva, Fernando Batista and Ricardo Ribeiro 2024 The expression of hate speech against Afro-descendant, Roma, and LGBTQ+ communities in YouTube commentsJournal of Language Aggression and Conflict 12:2, pp. 171–206 | Article
This paper addresses the specificities of online hate speech against the Afro-descendant, Roma, and LGBTQ+ communities in Portugal. The research is based on the analysis of CO-HATE, a corpus composed of 20,590 YouTube comments, which were manually annotated following detailed guidelines created… read more
Mata, Ana Isabel, Helena Moniz and Fernando Batista 2016 Stylistic variation in the intonation of European Portuguese teenagers and adultsIntonational Grammar in Ibero-Romance: Approaches across linguistic subfields, Armstrong, Meghan E., Nicholas Henriksen and Maria del Mar Vanrell (eds.), pp. 45–68 | Article
The present study aims to investigate intonation contours in phrase-final position, in a corpus of spontaneous and prepared unscripted presentations from teenagers (14–15 years old) and adults, collected in a school context. Taking into account the differences between phrasing levels (ToBI breaks 3… read more
Moniz, Helena, Fernando Batista, Ana Isabel Mata and Isabel Trancoso 2016 Towards automatic language processing and intonational labeling in European PortugueseIntonational Grammar in Ibero-Romance: Approaches across linguistic subfields, Armstrong, Meghan E., Nicholas Henriksen and Maria del Mar Vanrell (eds.), pp. 227–248 | Article
This work describes a framework that encompasses multi-layered linguistic information, focusing on prosodic features (pitch, energy, and tempo patterns), uses such features to distinguish between sentence-form types and disfluency/fluency repairs, and contributes to the characterization of… read more