Edith Kaan

List of John Benjamins publications for which Edith Kaan plays a role.



Prediction in Second Language Processing and Learning

Edited by Edith Kaan and Theres Grüter

[Bilingual Processing and Acquisition, 12] 2021. xiii, 234 pp.
Subjects Language acquisition | Multilingualism | Psycholinguistics | Theoretical linguistics
Kaan, Edith and Theres Grüter 2021 Chapter 1. Prediction in second language processing and learning: Advances and directionsPrediction in Second Language Processing and Learning, Kaan, Edith and Theres Grüter (eds.), pp. 1–24 | Chapter
There is ample evidence that language users, including second language (L2) speakers, can predict upcoming information during listening and reading. Yet it is still unclear when, how, and why language users engage in prediction, and what the relation is between prediction and learning. This… read more
Kaan, Edith 2014  Predictive sentence processing in L2 and L1: What is different?*Parsing to Learn, Dekydtspotter, Laurent and Claire Renaud (eds.), pp. 257–282 | Article
There is ample evidence that native speakers anticipate upcoming information at various levels during sentence comprehension. In contrast, some studies on late second-language (L2) learners support the view that L2 learners do not anticipate information during processing, or at least, not to the… read more
Kaan, Edith, Andrea Dallas and Frank Wijnen 2010 Syntactic predictions in second-language sentence processingStructure Preserved: Studies in syntax for Jan Koster, Zwart, Jan-Wouter and Mark de Vries (eds.), pp. 207–214 | Article
Kaan, Edith and Nadezhda Vinokurova 2003 6. Resolving number ambiguities in Sakha: Evidence for the Determiner Phrase as a processing domainFrom NP to DP: Volume 1: The syntax and semantics of noun phrases, Coene, Martine and Yves D’hulst (eds.), pp. 179–193 | Chapter