José Antonio Jódar-Sánchez

List of John Benjamins publications for which José Antonio Jódar-Sánchez plays a role.

Jódar-Sánchez, José Antonio 2021 Chapter 8. The linguistic landscape of the Raval: Language policy and contextualizationLinguistic Landscape in the Spanish-speaking World, Gubitosi, Patricia and Michelle F. Ramos Pellicia (eds.), pp. 215–238 | Chapter
The research presented in this chapter has three purposes. The first purpose is to propose a new taxonomy of the linguistic landscape with two overarching functions, the emblematic and instrumental ones. The second purpose is to show that Google Maps provides no advantage over a physical… read more
Antagonía is Luis Goytisolo’s masterpiece. In this article I present a quantitative and qualitative study of his prose with regards to sexuality. Through an analysis of keywords, concordances, dispersion, and discourses, I show that Antagonía feeds from two historical periods, namely the ending… read more
Jódar-Sánchez, José Antonio 2017 Metonymy in human interactionCognitive Linguistic Studies 4:2, pp. 249–272 | Article
Human communication is based on mutual interaction between participants. Much of this communication is linguistic in nature. Language is structured by grammar and grammar is inherently metonymic (Langacker 2009). Thus, language and interaction must be metonymic. In this article, I explore the… read more