Rey Romero
List of John Benjamins publications for which Rey Romero plays a role.
Chapter 3. Hard come, easy go: Linguistic interfaces in Istanbulite Judeo-Spanish and Afro-Ecuadorian Spanish Language Variation and Contact-Induced Change: Spanish across space and time, King, Jeremy and Sandro Sessarego (eds.), pp. 63–81 | Chapter
2018 This study analyzes patterns in syntax-pragmatics (subject pronoun use) and syntax-morphology (nominal and verbal phi-agreement) interfaces in two unrelated varieties of Spanish, namely Afro-Ecuadorian Spanish (AES) and Istanbulite Judeo-Spanish (IJS). In spite of their geographical distance, the… read more
“Trabajar es en español, en ladino es lavorar”: Lexical Accommodation in Judeo-Spanish Spanish Language and Sociolinguistic Analysis, Sessarego, Sandro and Fernando Tejedo-Herrero (eds.), pp. 381–400 | Article
2016 This study analyzes lexical accommodation in Judeo-Spanish (JS) to model Peninsular and Latin American (PLA) Spanish varieties. Data were obtained through sociolinguistic interviews, including an oral translation task, conducted in Istanbul, the Prince Islands, and New York City. Although… read more