Jeremy Munday
List of John Benjamins publications for which Jeremy Munday plays a role.
Book series
Online Resource
Discourse Analysis in Translation Studies
Edited by Jeremy Munday and Meifang Zhang
[Benjamins Current Topics, 94] 2017. v, 151 pp.
Subjects Discourse studies | Pragmatics | Translation Studies
Discourse Analysis in Translation Studies
Edited by Jeremy Munday and Meifang Zhang
Special issue of Target 27:3 (2015) vi, 194 pp.
Subjects Translation Studies
Pronoun shifts in political discourse: The English translations of the Thai Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha’s statements on the international stage Babel 70:6, pp. 825–851 | Article
2024 This article examines the English translations of former Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha’s statements on the international stage and the shifts in the first-person pronoun. Looking at interpersonal positioning through a systemic functional linguistic lens, we found that the translations… read more
Interpreter ideology: ‘Editing’ discourse in simultaneous interpreting Interpreting 25:1, pp. 1–26 | Article
2023 This study investigates empirically the way in which interpreter ideology is manifested in the evaluative language of the World Economic Forum’s Annual Meeting in China in 2016 (English–Chinese language pair). Methodologically, van Dijk’s Ideological Square and Martin and White’s Appraisal… read more
The name and nature of translation studies: A reappraisal Translation and Translanguaging in Multilingual Contexts 8:2, pp. 101–113 | Article
2022 James Stratton Holmes (Iowa, 1924 – Amsterdam, 1986) is known as both a major translator/editor of poetry from Dutch (Brems and McMartin 2020, 2021) and as a teacher and researcher of translation, whose professional career was centred in the Netherlands at the University of Amsterdam. He has had… read more
Chapter 5.3. Translation analysis A History of Modern Translation Knowledge: Sources, concepts, effects, D’hulst, Lieven and Yves Gambier (eds.), pp. 301–308 | Chapter
2018 Engagement and graduation resources as markers of translator/interpreter positioning Discourse Analysis in Translation Studies, Munday, Jeremy and Meifang Zhang (eds.), pp. 83–98 | Article
2017 This article examines the application of appraisal theory (Martin and White 2005) to the analysis of translation. It develops the findings in Munday (2012), which focused on attitudinal meanings, and explores the potential for the use of engagement resources and graduation as a means of determining… read more
Introduction Discourse Analysis in Translation Studies, Munday, Jeremy and Meifang Zhang (eds.), pp. 1–10 | Introduction
2017 The role of archival and manuscript research in the investigation of translator decision-making Interdisciplinarity in Translation and Interpreting Process Research, Ehrensberger-Dow, Maureen, Susanne Göpferich and Sharon O'Brien (eds.), pp. 127–140 | Article
2015 This chapter discusses the application of research methodologies from history and literary studies to the analysis of the translation process. Specifically, this concerns the use of literary archive and manuscript material to investigate the various stages in the construction of the translation… read more
Engagement and graduation resources as markers of translator/interpreter positioning Discourse Analysis in Translation Studies, Munday, Jeremy and Meifang Zhang (eds.), pp. 406–421 | Article
2015 This article examines the application of appraisal theory (Martin and White 2005) to the analysis of translation. It develops the findings in Munday (2012), which focused on attitudinal meanings, and explores the potential for the use of engagement resources and graduation as a means of determining… read more
Introduction Discourse Analysis in Translation Studies, Munday, Jeremy and Meifang Zhang (eds.), pp. 325–334 | Introduction
2015 The role of archival and manuscript research in the investigation of translator decision-making Interdisciplinarity in Translation and Interpreting Process Research, Ehrensberger-Dow, Maureen, Susanne Göpferich and Sharon O'Brien (eds.), pp. 125–139 | Article
2013 This paper discusses the application of research methodologies from history and literary studies to the analysis of the translation process. Specifically, this concerns the use of literary archive and manuscript material to investigate the various stages in the construction of the translation… read more
Translation Studies Handbook of Translation Studies: Volume 1, Gambier, Yves and Luc van Doorslaer (eds.), pp. 419–428 | Article
2010 Boase-Beier, Jean. 2006. Stylistic Approaches to Translation Target 21:2, pp. 394–398 | Review
2009 Qvale, Per. 2003. From St Jerome to hypertext: Translation in theory and practice Heterolingualism in/and Translation, Meylaerts, Reine (ed.), pp. 183–185 | Review
2006 Seeking translation equivalents: a corpus-based approach Translation in Context: Selected papers from the EST Congress, Granada 1998, Chesterman, Andrew, Natividad Gallardo San Salvador and Yves Gambier (eds.), p. | Article