Steve Oswald

List of John Benjamins publications for which Steve Oswald plays a role.


Pragmatic perspectives on disagreement

Edited by Jennifer Schumann and Steve Oswald

Special issue of Journal of Language Aggression and Conflict 12:1 (2024) v, 138 pp.
Subjects Communication Studies | Discourse studies | Pragmatics

Argumentation and Meaning: Semantic and pragmatic reflexions

Edited by Steve Oswald, Sara Greco, Johanna Miecznikowski, Chiara Pollaroli and Andrea Rocci

Special issue of Journal of Argumentation in Context 9:1 (2020) v, 166 pp.
Subjects Communication Studies | Discourse studies | Pragmatics
This chapter offers a cognitively-grounded account of manipulative strategies speakers may use to challenge and discredit scientific discourse in times of crisis, in which the perceived reliability of scientific communication is vulnerable. Specifically, we explore how such an overwhelming… read more
Schumann, Jennifer and Steve Oswald 2024 Pragmatic perspectives on disagreementPragmatic perspectives on disagreement, Schumann, Jennifer and Steve Oswald (eds.), pp. 1–16 | Review article
The introduction to this special issue provides an overview of the notion of disagreement in relation to argumentative practices and presents the rationale for investigating disagreement management in argumentative discourse from a pragmatic perspective. It describes how existing accounts of… read more
Herman, Thierry and Steve Oswald 2022 Chapter 5. “You want me to be wrong”: Expert ethos , (de-)legitimation, and ethotic straw men as discursive resources for conspiracy theoriesConspiracy Theory Discourses, Demata, Massimiliano, Virginia Zorzi and Angela Zottola (eds.), pp. 99–120 | Chapter
This chapter discusses features of conspiratorial discourse related to the representation of social actors through the lens of rhetorical and argumentative analysis. Specifically, it identifies a previously undocumented variant of the straw man fallacy (a misrepresentation of an opponent’s… read more
Oswald, Steve, Sara Greco, Johanna Miecznikowski, Chiara Pollaroli and Andrea Rocci 2020 Argumentation and meaningArgumentation and Meaning: Semantic and pragmatic reflexions, Oswald, Steve, Sara Greco, Johanna Miecznikowski, Chiara Pollaroli and Andrea Rocci (eds.), pp. 1–18 | Article
This special issue aims to explore the semantic and pragmatic dimensions of meaning in terms of their significance and relevance in the study of argumentation. Accordingly, the contributors to the project, who have all presented their work during the 2nd Argumentation and Language conference,… read more
This chapter defends a cognitive-pragmatic take on rhetorical effectiveness by hypothesising that information-selection mechanisms at play in the interpretation of verbal stimuli positively influence the outcome of subsequent argumentative evaluation. Moreover, this chapter also shows that… read more
Maillat, Didier and Steve Oswald 2011 Constraining Context: A Pragmatic Account of Cognitive ManipulationCritical Discourse Studies in Context and Cognition, Hart, Christopher (ed.), pp. 65–80 | Article
Morency, Patrick, Steve Oswald and Louis de Saussure 2008 Explicitness, implicitness and commitment attribution: A cognitive pragmatic approachCommitment, De Brabanter, Philippe and Patrick Dendale (eds.), pp. 197–219 | Article
This paper proposes a cognitive-pragmatic alternative to the traditional, speech-acttheoretic, account of the notion of commitment. The perspective adopted here questions the relevance of addressing actual commitment as a speaker category and shifts the focus of the discussion from properties of… read more
Oswald, Steve 2007 Towards an interface between Pragma‑Dialectics and Relevance TheoryPragmatic Interfaces, Saussure, Louis de and Peter J. Schulz (eds.), pp. 179–201 | Article
This paper investigates the tentative compatibility of two pragmatic approaches, Pragma-Dialectics (PD) and Relevance Theory (RT). The development of pragmatics historically led to conceptions of communication that supplied answers formal logic approaches had trouble capturing. Within argumentation… read more