In this paper, I analyze the construction of the trope of irony in a political interview, more specifically the interview with a Spanish politician on television in 2013. Its context is the emergence of the 15M, a citizen’s protest movement against the cuts imposed by the European Union and the… read more
The analysis of the different ideological constructions around the languages of Spain shows two main metaphors that support the linguistic conflict experienced in the last three or four decades: the container metaphor (languages conceived as entities that are completely independent of each other)… read more
This chapter focuses on the construction of pueblo ‘people’ and patria ‘homeland’ in the Spanish discourse of Podemos and the party’s relation to la gente ‘the people’ between June 2016 and its second political conference, Vistalegre II (February 2017). The discursive analysis focuses on figures of… read more
In this paper, I analyse the discourse construction of the “Integral Catalan Cooperative” (or CIC), a social group which emerged in Catalonia a year before the outbreak of the 15M social movement, but which became consolidated after this group pitched their tents in the Plaza de Cataluña in… read more
In this chapter, we analyse the 15M social movement, which occupied the public squares of Spain’s large cities on 15 May 2011 (hence its name of the 15M or the indignados movement). This group emerged in the wake of the anti-austerity movements in Iceland and Greece, and the Arab Spring. The main… read more
This chapter is part of a larger research project that approaches the study of the sociolinguistic and socio-discursive changes that have taken place over the last decade in the Spanish Deaf community in the light of contact with the wider European and worldwide deaf movement. In the research… read more
In this chapter, we adopt a cross-disciplinary perspective on sign bilingualism and explore the dynamics of its development and maintenance in the light of the insights provided in the contributions to this volume and current assumptions in the field of contact linguistics. We offer a critical… read more
This paper analyses the last speech delivered in the Spanish Parliament (on 2 December 2003) by President Aznar, in which he attempts to discursively uphold the reasons for his decision to support Bushs Administration (although with a small number of troops), and prove his interpretation of events. read more
The main hypothesis sustained in this paper maintains that language is not a mere reflection of external reality but that language also powerfully contributes to it constitution. In this sense, the analysis shows the different symbolic constructs the interviewer establishes in the presentation of… read more
The purpose of this paper is to analyse a conflict between a group of Barcelona residents and the then mayor, Ada Colau, concerning the transformation of an area of the city into a green zone, which would involve the loss of public parking spaces. For data-gathering and analysis we have used… read more