Mike Thelwall
List of John Benjamins publications for which Mike Thelwall plays a role.
Measuring emotional temperatures in Shakespeare’s drama Revisiting Shakespeare's Language, Baicchi, Annalisa, Roberta Facchinetti, Silvia Cacchiani and Antonio Bertacca (eds.), pp. 10–37 | Article
2018 This paper demonstrates how the computational analysis of Shakespeare’s plays can map the emotional language used across individual plays and across the canon more broadly, affording new insights. It explains how we adapted the “sentiment analysis” tool SentiStrength for use with Early Modern… read more
Creating and using Web corpora International Journal of Corpus Linguistics 10:4, pp. 517–541 | Article
2005 The Web has recently been used as a corpus for linguistic investigations, often with the help of a commercial search engine. We discuss some potential problems with collecting data from commercial search engine and with using the Web as a corpus. We outline an alternative strategy for data… read more