Dana M. Basnight-Brown

List of John Benjamins publications for which Dana M. Basnight-Brown plays a role.


Research focused on the cognitive processes surrounding bilingual language representation has revealed the important role that translation ambiguity plays in how languages are stored in memory (Tokowicz & Kroll, 2007). In addition, translation of emotionally related information has been shown to… read more
Altarriba, Jeanette and Dana M. Basnight-Brown 2009 1. Empirical approaches to the study of code-switching in sentential contextsMultidisciplinary Approaches to Code Switching, Isurin, Ludmila, Donald Winford and Kees de Bot (eds.), pp. 3–25 | Article
Feldman, Laurie Beth, Dana M. Basnight-Brown and Matthew John Pastizzo 2006 Semantic influences on morphological facilitation: Concreteness and family sizeThe Mental Lexicon 1:1, pp. 59–84 | Article
Two semantic variables, concreteness and morphological family size, were examined in a single word and a primed lexical decision task. Single word recognition latencies were faster for concrete relative to abstract targets only when morphological family size was small. The magnitude of… read more