Wataru Nakamura
List of John Benjamins publications for which Wataru Nakamura plays a role.
Fluid transitivity and generalized semantic roles Investigations of the Syntax–Semantics–Pragmatics Interface, Van Valin Jr., Robert D. (ed.), pp. 101–116 | Article
2008 This paper focuses on multiple-argument verbs in syntactically accusative and ergative languages which exhibit case (frame) alternations depending on the context in which they occur and proposes that those verbs leave lexically underspecified how many macroroles they take. It further offers a… read more
Functional Optimality Theory: Evidence from split Case systems Functionalism and Formalism in Linguistics: Volume II: Case studies, Darnell, Michael, Edith A. Moravcsik, Michael Noonan, Frederick J. Newmeyer and Kathleen Wheatley (eds.), pp. 253–276 | Article
1999 An Optimality-Theoretic Account of the Japanese Case System Studies in Language 23:3, pp. 597–649 | Article
1999 This paper provides an Optimality-Theoretic account of the Japanese case system within the framework of Role and Reference Grammar [RRG] (Van Valin 1993; Van Valin and LaPolla 1997). It is shown that a particular ranking of universal constraints may accommodate not only the regular case marking… read more