Anna Tereszkiewicz

List of John Benjamins publications for which Anna Tereszkiewicz plays a role.


Online Health Communication: Expert and Lay Dialogic Practices

Edited by Anna Tereszkiewicz and Magdalena Szczyrbak

Special issue of Language and Dialogue 14:2 (2024) vi, 200 pp.
Tereszkiewicz, Anna 2024 Social identity construction in expert-lay dialogue on FacebookOnline Health Communication: Expert and Lay Dialogic Practices, Tereszkiewicz, Anna and Magdalena Szczyrbak (eds.), pp. 183–213 | Article
The paper focuses on identity construction on the Facebook profiles of medical professionals. Drawing on existing conceptualisations of identity and proximity, the study explores how five Polish medical experts construct their social identity and create affinity spaces in their interaction with… read more
Tereszkiewicz, Anna and Magdalena Szczyrbak 2024 Online health communication: Expert and lay dialogic practicesOnline Health Communication: Expert and Lay Dialogic Practices, Tereszkiewicz, Anna and Magdalena Szczyrbak (eds.), pp. 171–182 | Introduction
The study concerns complaint management on Polish brand profiles on Twitter. The aim was to investigate selected language properties of corporate tweets and trace potential changes in the interactional patterns on the profiles occurring between 2015 and 2017. The study focuses on the structure… read more
The study investigates the strategies used by English and Polish companies in the process of handling customer complaints on Twitter. Since English and Polish are recognized as representatives of negative and positive politeness cultures, respectively, the analysis was to examine if there are… read more