Jeesun Nam

List of John Benjamins publications for which Jeesun Nam plays a role.



Subjects Linguistics of isolated languages | Syntax
While the adverb nemwu, roughly equivalent to the intensifier too in English, has been considered an adverb that intensifies gradable predicates in excess, thereby provoking a negative interpretation, it can also be used to emphasize a positive evaluation in online subjective texts. Moreover, even… read more
Nam, Jeesun 2004 Some Linguistic Problems in Building a Korean Electronic Lexicon of Simple VerbsLexique, Syntaxe et Lexique-Grammaire / Syntax, Lexis & Lexicon-Grammar: Papers in honour of Maurice Gross, Leclère, Christian, Éric Laporte, Mireille Piot and Max Silberztein (eds.), pp. 455–469 | Article
Any system that aims to automatically process a natural language should first be equipped with a well-constructed electronic lexicon. An electronic lexicon is a large-scale database that contains all linguistic information a machine requires, i.e. inflectional, derivational, syntactic and some… read more
In this paper, we examine the adjectives that seem to require two arguments in symmetric relation. To syntactically define these elements, we observed whether an adjective can appear in the following transformational relation or not: N0 N1-wa Adj = N1 N0-wa Adj. Those that allow this relation are… read more
The adjectives described in this paper are defined by the following syntactic relation: (1) a. [N1-Acc VR - ki]0Adj ([V-inf N1 W]0 be Adj) b.= (N1)0 [VR - ki], - i Adj ((N,)0 be Adj Prep [V-inf W]) For example: [i This nunce problem -lîl Acc phul resolve -ki Sinf] -ka nmtf himtîl hard -ta St (To… read more
In this work, we have tried to describe a set of adjectives which includes a large majority of those adjectives semantically termed psychological, by making use of the following syntactic relation: (Qu P)0 N1-e Ad) [(Qu P)0 be Adj Prep N1] = N1 (Qu P)0-fo Adj N1be Adj Prep (Qu P)0] We discuss most… read more
The purpose of this study is to describe a class of sentences containing a noun in -ita, which are equivalent to an adjectival predicate. This set of sentences is of the form N0 W N1-ita (where -ita can be translated as one of the uses of être in French). Indeed, for this type of sentence: Léa-nín… read more