Jemina Napier

List of John Benjamins publications for which Jemina Napier plays a role.


Unpacking Sign Language Interpreting: Special issue of the Journal on Translation and Interpreting Studies 17:3 (2022)

Edited by Hilde Haualand, Maartje De Meulder and Jemina Napier

Special issue of Translation and Interpreting Studies 17:3 (2022) v, 127 pp.
Subjects Interpreting | Translation Studies

The Sign Language Interpreting Studies Reader

Edited by Cynthia B. Roy and Jemina Napier

[Benjamins Translation Library, 117] 2015. xviii, 419 pp.
Subjects Interpreting | Signed languages | Translation Studies
Napier, Jemina 2025 Chapter 2. Linguistic ethnography in interpreting studiesField Research on Translation and Interpreting, Rogl, Regina, Daniela Schlager and Hanna Risku (eds.), pp. 55–73 | Chapter
Linguistic ethnography (LE) combines linguistic and ethnographic approaches to understand how social and communicative processes operate in a range of settings. The core goal of LE is to examine language use in context, thus various qualitative interpreting studies research could be… read more
Napier, Jemina and Sandra Hale 2023 Exploring mixed methods in interpreting research: An example from a series of studies on court interpretingIntroducing New Hypertexts on Interpreting (Studies): A tribute to Franz Pöchhacker, Zwischenberger, Cornelia, Karin Reithofer and Sylvi Rennert (eds.), pp. 22–43 | Chapter
Much of the research into community interpreting has used different methodologies in order to test or explore the same phenomena from different perspectives (Hale and Napier 2013). This approach is typically referred to as mixed-methods or multi-method research. Pöchhacker (2011) considers that… read more
Haualand, Hilde, Maartje De Meulder and Jemina Napier 2022 Unpacking sign language interpreting as a social institution: The missing macro perspective?Unpacking Sign Language Interpreting: Special issue of the Journal on Translation and Interpreting Studies 17:3 (2022), Haualand, Hilde, Maartje De Meulder and Jemina Napier (eds.), pp. 351–358 | Review article
In the UK, police reforms to meet needs of a diverse society have been limited in the case of deaf signers to an increase in sign language interpreting services (SLIS). This article explores the consequences of this dependence on SLIS by the UK police. We consider how deaf signers’ contact with… read more
Deaf people’s lives are predicated to some extent on working with sign language interpreters. The self is translated on a regular basis and is a long-term state of being. Identity becomes known and performed through the translated self in many interactions, especially at work. (Hearing) others’… read more
This paper situates the discussion of child language brokering (CLB) within the wider context of interpreting studies and discussions of bilingualism and professional interpreting, and provides an overview of a groundbreaking international survey study that sought to collect information about CLB… read more
In considering the challenges for court interpreters, much of the previous research has concentrated on the linguistic aspects of the interpreting process. This paper explores the issue from the perspective of working conditions and professional status. One hundred and ninety-four practicing court… read more
Bontempo, Karen and Jemina Napier 2014 Evaluating emotional stability as a predictor of interpreter competence and aptitude for interpretingAptitude for Interpreting, Pöchhacker, Franz and Minhua Liu (eds.), pp. 87–106 | Article
This paper proposes that variance in interpreter performance is dependent on factors of both general cognitive ability and personality. Whilst there is no doubt of the interplay between individual personality traits and job performance across many occupations, the greatest interest lies in… read more
Bontempo, Karen and Jemina Napier 2011 Evaluating emotional stability as a predictor of interpreter competence and aptitude for interpretingAptitude for Interpreting, Shlesinger, Miriam † and Franz Pöchhacker (eds.), pp. 85–105 | Article
This paper proposes that variance in interpreter performance is dependent on factors of both general cognitive ability and personality. Whilst there is no doubt of the interplay between individual personality traits and job performance across many occupations, the greatest interest lies in… read more
As an interdisciplinary research-based literature on interpreting emerges in spoken and signed language interpreting studies, this chapter provides an overview of publishing interpreting research for novice researchers seeking advice on publication. The chapter walks potential researchers through… read more
Napier, Jemina, David Spencer and Joe Sabolcec 2009 7. A shared responsibility in the administration of justice: A pilot study of signed language interpretation access for deaf jurorsThe Critical Link 5: Quality in interpreting – a shared responsibility, Hale, Sandra, Uldis Ozolins and Ludmila Stern (eds.), pp. 99–118 | Article
To date, no research has been conducted on interpreting for deaf jurors, as people are not typically eligible to serve as jurors if they cannot understand the language of the court. This chapter reports one aspect of a pioneering pilot study in Australia, which sought to investigate the capacity… read more
This paper describes an innovative approach to training sign language interpreters, through a program established at Macquarie University in Sydney, Australia. The course is innovative because sign language and spoken language interpreting students jointly study key subjects, which enables all… read more
Napier, Jemina 2004 Interpreting omissions: A new perspectiveInterpreting 6:2, pp. 117–142 | Article
This paper discusses findings of a study conducted on Australian Sign Language (Auslan)/English interpreters in a university lecture, with consideration given to factors that influenced the interpreters’ omissions. The hypothesis of the study was that interpreters would make recourse to omissions… read more
McKee, Rachel and Jemina Napier 2002 Interpreting into International Sign Pidgin: An analysisSign Language & Linguistics 5:1, pp. 27–54 | Article
The nature of International Sign Pidgin has been recently described and discussed in various studies and papers (Moody 1987; Coppock 1990; Supalla 1991; Padden 1993; Scott Gibson & Ojala 1994; Webb & Supalla 1994, 1995; Allsop, Woll & Brauti 1995; Allsop 1996; Bergmann 1996). Although international… read more