Leon Shor

List of John Benjamins publications for which Leon Shor plays a role.

The article analyzes debut interviews of female Israeli politicians, in which the interviewees are faced with questions or statements that imply that their gender, ethnicity or background prevent them from fulfilling their function as politicians successfully, in accordance with the “Gendered… read more
The present study focuses on eye closure (EC) as a communicative facial gesture in Israeli Hebrew media talk and pays particular attention to its coordination with co-expressive verbal, prosodic, and embodied resources. Drawing on the interactional approach to language and embodied action, the… read more
Shor, Leon and Michal Marmorstein 2023 Self-repeat as a multimodal retraction practice: Evidence from Hebrew conversationMeaning in Interaction: Studies in memory of Jack Bilmes, Deppermann, Arnulf and Elwys De Stefani (eds.), pp. 132–166 | Article
The paper focuses on a particular practice of self-repeat through which participants retract their prior formulations, and explores its multimodal design and use in the dynamic construction of meaning in Hebrew conversation. Drawing on interactional approaches to language and embodied action, we… read more
This chapter examines the expression of negation in spontaneous spoken Modern Hebrew. It provides a quantitative description of syntactic negation in the Corpus of Spoken Israeli Hebrew (CoSIH) to address syntactic, pragmatic, and prosodic properties of negation. The study shows that in addition… read more