Ole Nedergaard Thomsen

List of John Benjamins publications for which Ole Nedergaard Thomsen plays a role.


Subjects Historical linguistics | Theoretical linguistics
Nedergaard Thomsen, Ole 2019 Induction and tradition: “As time goes by …” – Play it again!Perspectives on Language Structure and Language Change: Studies in honor of Henning Andersen, Heltoft, Lars, Iván Igartua, Brian D. Joseph, Kirsten Jeppesen Kragh and Lene Schøsler (eds.), pp. 35–79 | Chapter
This contribution takes Henning Andersen’s model of linguistic change as a logical starting point. In addition to his use of Abduction and Deduction, I suggest that Induction plays an important role as well, since it represents Conventionalization. All three types of reasoning are subsumed under… read more
Nedergaard Thomsen, Ole 2006 IntroductionCompeting Models of Linguistic Change: Evolution and beyond, Nedergaard Thomsen, Ole (ed.), pp. 1–15 | Miscellaneous
Harder, Peter, Lars Heltoft and Ole Nedergaard Thomsen 1996 Danish directional adverbs: Content syntax and complex predicates — a case for host and co-predicatesContent, Expression and Structure: Studies in Danish functional grammar, Engberg-Pedersen, Elisabeth, Michael Fortescue, Peter Harder, Lars Heltoft and Lisbeth Falster Jakobsen (eds.), pp. 159–198 | Article
Nedergaard Thomsen, Ole 1994 Dyirbal Ergativity and Embedding: A Functional-Pragmatic ApproachStudies in Language 18:2, pp. 411–488 | Article
The present paper* deals with the important phenomena ergativity and embedding in the aboriginal Australian language Dyirbal. Embedding and ergativity are intimately connected in the syntax of Dyirbal. This motivates the composite theme of my paper. Ergativity, Dyirbal, and embedding are… read more