Robert Nedoma
List of John Benjamins publications for which Robert Nedoma plays a role.
Germanic Interrelations: Studies in memory of Hans Frede Nielsen
Edited by Stephen Laker, Carla Falluomini, Steffen Krogh, Robert Nedoma and Michael Schulte
[NOWELE Supplement Series, 34] 2025. vii, 384 pp. + index
Subjects Germanic linguistics | Historical linguistics | Theoretical linguistics
Runic Inscriptions and the Early History of the Germanic Languages
Edited by Robert Nedoma and Hans Frede Nielsen †
Special issue of NOWELE 73:1 (2020) v, 192 pp.
Subjects Germanic linguistics | Historical linguistics
Grammarians, Skalds and Rune Carvers I
Edited by Robert Nedoma and Michael Schulte
Special issue of NOWELE 69:1 (2016) v, 112 pp.
Subjects Germanic linguistics | Historical linguistics
Grammarians, Skalds and Rune Carvers II
Edited by Michael Schulte and Robert Nedoma
Special issue of NOWELE 69:2 (2016) v, 123 pp.
Subjects Germanic linguistics | Historical linguistics
NOWELE Volume 62/63 (October 2011): Language and literacy in early Scandinavia and beyond
Edited by Michael Schulte and Robert Nedoma
Special issue of NOWELE 62/63 (2011) 441 pp.
Subjects Germanic linguistics | Historical linguistics
Der Name der Insel Thule Germanic Interrelations: Studies in memory of Hans Frede Nielsen, Laker, Stephen, Carla Falluomini, Steffen Krogh, Robert Nedoma and Michael Schulte (eds.), pp. 276–293 | Chapter
2025 In the 330s or 320s BC, the Greek explorer Pytheas of Massalia undertook a pioneering voyage to northern Europe. In his report Περὶ τοῦ ὠκεανοῦ (‘On the ocean’), which has come down to us only as a few excerpts quoted by later authors, Pytheas mentions the island Θούλη, which is situated in the… read more
Die frühe voraltsächsische und voraltfriesische Runenüberlieferung: Stationen der Sprachgeschichte Early history of the North Sea Germanic languages, Laker, Stephen and Hans Frede Nielsen † (eds.), pp. 27–65 | Article
2021 This paper deals with two runic inscriptions that are highly relevant to language history. 1. The runic sequences on the three Weser rune bones, which date to the first half of the 5th century, are not entirely clear. However, West Germanic (Pre-Old Saxon) linguistic features such as gemination… read more
Die Runeninschrift auf dem Rinderknochen von Břeclav, Flur Lány (Südmähren, Tschechische Republik) Runic Inscriptions and the Early History of the Germanic Languages, Nedoma, Robert and Hans Frede Nielsen † (eds.), pp. 116–122 | Article
2020 During recent excavations at Břeclav-Lány (southern Moravia, Czech Republic), archaeologists have found a fragmented bovine rib with runes. The rib was unearthed in an early Slavic pit-house and is radiocarbon- dated to ca. 600. The inscription begins at the break line and reads xbemdo (probably… read more
Südgermanische Runeninschriften: Stationen der Sprachgeschichte Runic Inscriptions and the Early History of the Germanic Languages, Nedoma, Robert and Hans Frede Nielsen † (eds.), pp. 91–115 | Article
2020 This paper deals with three South Germanic runic inscriptions that are highly relevant to language history. 1. The Frienstedt comb, which dates to the second half of the 3rd century A.D., bears four runes kaba = WGmc. ka(m)ba m. ‘comb’. The nominative sg. marker -a < PGmc. *-az represents the… read more
The personal names on the Loveden Hill urn and the Watchfield case fitting: Possibilities and restrictions resulting from the sound system Grammarians, Skalds and Rune Carvers I, Nedoma, Robert and Michael Schulte (eds.), pp. 3–37 | Article
2016 This paper deals with graphophonematic and onomastic problems arising from two early English runic inscriptions. Since Pre-OE /ā̆/ and /ɔ̄̆/ were apparently graphemicized as ᚪ a2 and ᚩ a3 at (about) the same time during the late fifth century, it is possible to identify rune no. 6 on the… read more
Personennamen in älteren Runeninschriften auf Fibeln NOWELE Volume 62/63 (October 2011): Language and literacy in early Scandinavia and beyond, Schulte, Michael and Robert Nedoma (eds.), pp. 31–89 | Article
2011 Schrift und Sprache in den ostgermanischen Runeninschriften NOWELE Volume 58/59 (June 2010): The Gothic Language, Nielsen, Hans Frede † and Flemming Talbo Stubkjær (eds.), pp. 1–70 | Article