Ad Neeleman

List of John Benjamins publications for which Ad Neeleman plays a role.


Ackema, Peter and Ad Neeleman 2010 The role of syntax and morphology in compoundingCross-Disciplinary Issues in Compounding, Scalise, Sergio and Irene Vogel (eds.), pp. 21–36 | Article
In this chapter it is argued that, although syntax is not directly involved in the formation of compounds themselves, competition between the syntactic and morphological modules of grammar (Ackema and Neeleman 2001, 2004) has a decisive influence on compounding. This is because this type of… read more
Neeleman, Ad and Hans van de Koot 2010 Theoretical validity and psychological reality of the grammatical codeThe Linguistics Enterprise: From knowledge of language to knowledge in linguistics, Everaert, Martin B.H., Tom Lentz, Hannah N.M. De Mulder, Øystein Nilsen and Arjen Zondervan (eds.), pp. 183–212 | Article
One interpretation of the competence-performance distinction is that the grammar is a knowledge base consulted by the performance systems. We argue for an alternative interpretation, according to which the grammar and the performance systems are theories of the same object, but at different levels… read more
Neeleman, Ad and Kriszta Szendröi 2008 Case morphology and radical pro-dropThe Limits of Syntactic Variation, Biberauer, Theresa (ed.), pp. 331–348 | Article
This paper focuses on the so-called discourse pro-drop languages,i.e., those permitting radical pro-drop, which affects not just subjects,but other pronominal arguments too. Whereas previous attempts tounderstand the properties of these languages have focused on verbalagreement, the proposal here… read more