Michael S. Boyd

List of John Benjamins publications for which Michael S. Boyd plays a role.


On 18 September 2015, in the midst of the greatest movement of refugees and migrants that Europe has seen since the Second World War, The New York Times published an editorial entitled “Europe should see refugees as a Boon, not as a Burden.” Not surprisingly, the article received well over 450… read more
Boyd, Michael S. 2014 Participation and recontextualisation in New Media: Political Discourse Analysis and YouTubeFrom Text to Political Positions: Text analysis across disciplines, Kaal, Bertie, Isa Maks and Annemarie van Elfrinkhof (eds.), pp. 245–268 | Article
The chapter explores the ways in which viewer comments are exploited by the YouTube community to interact with political discourse. The corpus-based study, based on three speeches by Barack Obama, aims to uncover the linguistic means adopted in text comments for positive and negative presentation… read more
Lakoff (2002) maintains that US political divisions are shaped by competing interpretations of the Nation as family conceptual metaphor, which create fundamentally different moral models for conservative and liberal politicians to articulate their values and worldviews. Such differences are… read more