Article published In:
Pragmatics: Online-First ArticlesEmbodied interaction with face masks and social distancing
Brazilian health care workers’ daily routines in pandemic times
In this article, we ask how interlocutors proceed with their daily activities in the first months of the Covid-19
pandemic when faced with new ways of communication due to social distancing and the use of face masks. We carried out a
fine-grained analysis of different micropractices from daily work in a healthcare center in Brazil and built our analysis on
multimodal conversation analysis (MCA), interactional linguistics (IC), as well as gesture studies (GS). The analysis revealed
that particularly the following recurrent patterns seem to be characteristic for communication during the pandemic in the given
microcontexts: (a) a high use of deictic gestures, (b) an intensification of prosodic means, (c) verbal strategies such as
reformulation and repetition, (d) the integration of object manipulation and (e) mitigation strategies in case of new formats that
imply intrusion such as controls at travel checkpoints.
Keywords: interactional linguistics, multimodal conversation analysis, deictic gestures, healthcare workers, pandemic, intonation
Article outline
- 1.Introduction
- 2.From ‘face-to-face’ interaction to new forms of talk in pandemic times
- 2.1Embodiment in ‘face-to-face’ interaction
- 2.2Interactional practices in pandemic times
- 3.Methodological procedure and hindrances
- 4.Analysis of Brazilian health care workers’ daily routines during the pandemic
- 4.1Emergent interaction patterns at a Covid-19 travel checkpoint
- 4.2Making an appointment at a local healthcare center
- 5.Concluding remarks
- Acknowledgements
- Notes
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