When questioners count on recipients’ lack of knowledge
A recurring ‘question-answer’ format in guided tours
This paper studies a type of question-answer sequences which accomplish what can be considered as a delicate activity due to its projected
sequential development. In contrast with other formats of question-answer sequences with different functions (i.e. eliciting information,
checking the questionee’s knowledge, etc.), here the studied format seems to count on the questionee’s lack of knowledge, consequently
projecting the questioner’s own answer. This hypothesis is examined through a detailed analysis of video-recorded guided tours in French and
Italian. The paper describes the different sequence trajectories occurring after the guide’s question, and the difficulties both
participants may find in dealing with the procedure.
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Cited by (1)
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Ticca, Anna Claudia & Biagio Ursi
Chapitre 9. Le toucher dans une visite guidée avec des enfants malvoyants : orientation, transition, expérience. In
Multimodalité du langage dans les interactions et l’acquisition,
► pp. 253 ff.

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