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Cited by six other publications

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2024. English Immersion as Family Language Policy in Spanish Households: Agentive Practices and Emotional Investments. Languages 9:8  pp. 272 ff. DOI logo
Galera, Nieves & David Poveda
2022. Infants’ communicative ecologies and language policies in two contemporary Spanish families. Sociolinguistic Studies 16:2-3 DOI logo
Moustaoui Srhir, Adil & David Poveda
2022. Family Language Policy and the family sociolinguistic order in a neoliberal context. Sociolinguistic Studies 16:2-3 DOI logo
Poveda, David, Frances Giampapa & Ana María Relaño-Pastor
2020. Gatekeeping the interactional order: field access and linguistic ideologies in Content and Language Integrated Learning–type bilingual education programs in Spanish secondary schools. Qualitative Research 20:6  pp. 854 ff. DOI logo
Relaño Pastor, Ana María & David Poveda
2020. Native speakerism and the construction of CLIL competence in teaching partnerships: reshaping participation frameworks in the bilingual classroom. Language and Education 34:5  pp. 469 ff. DOI logo
Relaño-Pastor, Ana Maria & Alicia Fernández-Barrera
2019. The ‘native speaker effects’ in the construction of elite bilingual education in Castilla-La Mancha: tensions and dilemmas. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development 40:5  pp. 421 ff. DOI logo

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