Phraseological modifications in Sepúlveda’s The Story of a Seagull and the Cat Who Taught Her to Fly
Phraseological modification (PM) is a recurrent stylistic resource in specific types of texts, mainly journalistic
texts, advertisements and literature. Since literary works are complete texts, the analysis of PM in these texts can go beyond the
mere identification of the changes that the units have undergone, facilitating, in turn, the exploration of their stylistic
effects. This paper explores the use of PM in a fable written by Luis Sepúlveda, The Story of a Seagull and the Cat Who
Taught Her to Fly. The aim is to determine the extra value that modifications bring to the text by finding out not
only the number and types of units modified but also the effects achieved. The results show that the author’s choice of
phraseological units (PUs) and modification procedures is not arbitrary. In this text, PM directly relates to distinctive features
of fables, namely the humanisation of animals and humour, providing new semantic and symbolic dimensions absent in other fables
which lack this pervasive use of modifications. Creative PU variation takes animal humanisation a step further by
anthropomorphising animals and distancing them from humans at the same time. This, in turn, sustains the moral lessons of the
Article outline
- 1.Introduction
- 2.The author and the book
- 3.Types of phraseological units
- 4.Phraseological modifications: Definition and classification
- 5.Aims and method of analysis
- 6.Results and discussion
- 6.1Types of units
- 6.2Types of modifications
- 6.3Lexical constituents and semantic fields
- 6.4Discourse and stylistic features
- 7.Conclusions
- Notes
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Mena-Martínez, Florentina M. & María F. Sáez Martínez
Phraseological modifications in Spanish headlines.
Romanica Olomucensia 35:1
► pp. 121 ff.

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