Chapter 14
Causativization of verbs of directed motion in Romance languages
The purpose of this paper is to shed light on a particular behavior displayed by verbs of inherently directed motion, the availability of a causative transitive alternate, and how this phenomenon interacts with the presence of clitic se in the intransitive variant. Data from Catalan, Aragonese and Italian varieties, none of which have received much attention in the literature, will prove crucial for our proposal. We adopt an inter-Romance perspective and a nanosyntactic approach to lexicalization in order to refine the correlation Jiménez-Fernández and Tubino (2014, 2017) find for Spanish, where inherently directional motion verbs are claimed to be more easily causativized (entrar el coche ‘go in the car’) in varieties where the use of se in the intransitive forms is also more frequent (Juan se entró ‘Juan se went in’).
Article outline
- 1.Introduction
- 2.Causative DM verbs
- 2.1Causativized DM verbs Catalan
- 2.2Causativized DM verbs in Italian
- 2.3Causativized DM verbs in Aragonese
- 2.4Causativized DM verbs in Spanish
- 3.What does a verb need to be causativized?
- 3.1Pronominal DM verbs in (varieties of) Catalan
- 3.2Pronominal DM verbs in (varieties of) Italian
- 3.3Pronominal DM verbs in (varieties of) Aragonese
- 4.Proposal
- 4.1What is ne?
- 4.2Same structure, different lexicalization
- 5.Conclusions
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Cited by (1)
Cited by one other publication
Pineda, Anna
The Role of SE and NE in Romance Verbs of Directed Motion: Evidence from Catalan, Italian, Aragonese and Spanish Varieties. In
Unraveling the complexity of SE [
Studies in Natural Language and Linguistic Theory, 99],
► pp. 265 ff.
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