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Research Methods in Cognitive Translation and Interpreting Studies
Edited by Ana María Rojo López and Ricardo Muñoz Martín
[Research Methods in Applied Linguistics 10] 2025
► pp. 133156
References (68)
Further readings on screen recording
Angelone, E. (2012). The place of screen recording in process-oriented translator training. Rivista Internazionale di Tecnica della Traduzione, 14, 41–56.Google Scholar
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Enríquez Raído, V. (2013a). Translation and web searching. Routledge. DOI logoGoogle Scholar
(2013b). Using screen recording as a diagnostic tool in early process-oriented translator training. In D. C. Kiraly, S. Hansen-Schirra, & K. Maksymski (Eds.), New prospects and perspectives for educating language mediators (pp. 121–139). Gunter Narr.Google Scholar
Pym, Anthony. 2009. Using process studies in translator training. Self-discovery through lousy experiments. In S. Göpferich, F. Alves, & I. M. Mees (Eds.), Methodology, technology and innovation in translation process research (pp. 135–156). Samfundslitteratur.Google Scholar
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Albl-Mikasa, M., Fontana, G., Fuchs, L. M., Stüdeli, L. M., & Zaugg, A. (2017). Professional translations of non-native English: ‘before and after’ texts from the European Parliament’s Editing Unit. The Translator, 23(4), 371–387. DOI logoGoogle Scholar
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(2013). Watching and learning from ‘virtual professionals.’ Utilizing screen recording in process-oriented translator training. In D. C. Kiraly, S. Hansen-Schirra, & K. Maksymski (Eds.), New prospects and perspectives for educating language mediators (pp. 139–155). Gunter Narr.Google Scholar
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