Chapter 5
Commentary: The instability of ‘data’ in a postdigital
Key challenges for qualitative multilingual researchers
This commentary on Part 1 of Innovative Qualitative Methodologies
in Multilingual Literacy Development Research: Amplifying Voices
from Immigrant, Transnational, and Refugee Communities
focuses upon some of the ways in which qualitative literacy
researchers have begun to rethink data. Complex ethical and
conceptual challenges that arise in multilingual literacy research
in a postdigital era are contextualized in the work of the three
chapters in Part 1 before
directions for future research are offered.
Article outline
- Introduction
- The challenge of data on the move: Methods for moving
- The challenge of what counts as data: Methods to expand
- The challenge of representation: Methods for making
- Moving forward: Centering ethics and equity in working with
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